AS ADULTS, WE’RE expected to look sharp or at least reasonably well put together.
That means no toothpaste stains down your front and certainly no wrinkles in your shirt.
But what do you do when you’re in a rush and your clothes are wrinkly or not fully dry?
“Eh, iron them like the responsible adult I am, duh,” you say.
Good for you.
But you do know there’s an easier way, right?
We are, of course, talking about the unspoken tradition of frantically drying/ironing your clothes with a hairdryer when you just can’t be arsed ironing.
It might feel like you’re the only one who takes this lazy way out, but you’re not.
Sure, it might make you feel like you’re doing this whole “adult” thing wrong…
And, no, there’s nothing glamorous about stretching out your dress and blasting hot air on it to get rid of wrinkles/patches of damp…
But we all do it and frankly, it gets the job done.
Running late for work? Don’t have a dryer? Just can’t summon the will to get the ironing board out from under the stairs and all the rigmarole associated with that?
Let the hairdryer save the day!
Some day, you will be the type of person that sets aside an hour on a Sunday afternoon to “do the ironing” while watching a soap omnibus, but until then, you should have no shame about using a hairdryer.
Say it loud, say it proud: “I used a hairdryer to iron my top this morning!”
Are you guilty of ironing/drying your clothes with a hairdryer?